
Voice, Poetry, Performance – Roy Hart Voice and Body Work

Event Details

  • Von: 1. March 2025
  • Bis: 6. July 2025
  • ab: 10:00 Uhr
  • bis: 16:00 Uhr


  • Hiberniaschule
  • Holsterhauser Straße 70
  • Herne
  • 44625
  • Germany
  • www.lutz-pickardt.de

“Our deepest fear is not that we are insufficient. Our deepest fear is of being powerful beyond what can be measured. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to call myself brilliant, great, talented, fantastic? But who are you not to call yourself that? You are a child of God- keeping yourself, small, does not serve the world…” (Marianne Williamson/ Nelson Mandela)

The workshops “Voice, Poetry, Performance…” see themselves as a place of experimentation and playground for adults. You don’t have to be a singer or actor to discover the joy of your own voice. Curiosity and a desire to express oneself, movement and improvisation are enough. Beyond ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘can’ or ‘can’t’, we discover all kinds of sounds, noises and melodies that live inside us: be they light or dark, wild or delicate, playful or contemplative, all are welcome.

It is not the perfect voice that is sought here, but the one that lives within us and demands expression, everything that shows itself is welcome.

Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke, Rose Ausländer, Pablo Neruda and many others serve as a basis and source of inspiration, pointing to a world that lies behind the one visible to us. What sounds do they lure out of us, what images are contained in them, what forms of expression come to mind?

Previous experience of any kind is neither necessary nor a hindrance.

Further information on Roy Hart Voice Work

  • March 1-2 (fully booked, waiting list) and Juli 5-6, 2025
  • location Hiberniaschule. Holsterhauser Strasse 70, 44625 Herne
  • schedule Saturday 10-18, Sunday 10-16 Uhr
  • charge 150-220 Euro per Workshop, By self-assessment, stezudent and unemployed pay ur 80 Euro/Workshop only
  • accomodation: private (donation, on request) or in hotels/pensions close by.